DNS (Domain Name System)

Some other Network Layer features which are related to IP Routing are DNS , ARP & PING.

  • Domain Name System is a method which TCP/IP uses which lets the computers find the IP Address of a specified listed host name.

  • It was developed for the ease of both the computers (who understands only numbers while communicating) & Humans who are comfortable in remembering Names as compared to Numbers.

    Hence, DNS resolves names into the matching IP Address.

  • The mapping of DNS IP & Domain names are stored in DNS Server.

  • Before sending a packet to the Destination Address PC first sends a DNS Query asking the DNS Server for the IP Address of a specified Domain Name & in return DNS Server sends a DNS Reply which lists the Domain Name's IP Address. Now the computer can send the packet to the specific IP Address of that Host name.

  • DNS Server across the globe work together to ask & resolve the IP Addresses of the Requested Domain Name. DNS follows specific Standards & Protocols for the text name used across the globe.


CCNA 200-301 OCG, Volume 1, Pg. 76-77 - Wendell Odom.

Last updated