
  • Because Router routes between the Network hence every port of Router must be in the different Network. No two ports of the Router can belong to the same Subnet.

  • On a P2P Link only 2 IP Addresses are required. Even the Class C Address has 254 IP Addresses. With the help of Subnetting we can break that big 254 IP sized Network into 2 IP Addresses only.

  • If a company has multiple branch offices which are geographically separated if connected are said to be connected on MAN or WAN.

    On MAN or WAN we use Router.

    And Because Router routes between the Network & not withing the Network hence every port of the Router should be in the different Network or Branch offices or Subnet.

    Hence we use Subnetting.

    3 Methods of Subnetting:

    1. Subnetting Binary Method

    2. Subnetting Quick Method

    3. Subnetting The Best Method


CCNA 200-301 OCG, Volume 1, Pg. 73 - Wendell Odom.

Last updated