
Internet Protocol Version 4 is a L3 Network Protocol of 4 Bytes 32 bits Decimal Address which can produce over 4 Billion (4,294,967,296) Unique Addresses.

  • This 32-bit IPv4 Address is divided into 4 parts called Octets (each of 1 byte/8 bit)

  • Those bits in each Octet are represented by a number. Starting from the left they have a value of 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

  • Each bit on the octet can be either 1 or 0. If a Number is 1 then that octet is counted if it is a 0 then it is ignored.

  • Just by manipulating 1s & 0s in each octet, we get a range from 0-255.

  • IPv4 Header:

  • It is a connectionless Protocol that offers only best-effort delivery.

  • Each packet is treated differently hence packets may take different paths based on options like Hop Count, Load Balancing, or Bandwidth offered by different Routing Protocols.

  • IP has no Data Recovery, No built-in Sessions & No Re-transmission features. Hence, L3 Internet Protocol relies on the L4 TCP which offers all these features & provides guaranteed delivery of Data & packets.

  • Routers route packets based on NID & not HID.

  • IPv4 Address is divided into 2 parts:

    • Network Port (NID)

    • Host Portion (HID)

  • IPv4 Classfull Addresses were divided into 5 Classes


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