Dynamic Routing Protocol
Routing Rules:
Two directly connected devices must be in the same Subnet
(Two IP addresses, not separated from each other by a router, must be in the same subnet).
Every Port of a Router must be in the different Subnet
(Two IP addresses, separated from each other by at least one router, must be in different subnets).
Router's Routing Table should be populated with Routes.
Routes can be populated in 3 ways:
Directly connected Routes will automatically reflect in Router's Routing Table.
Administrator can make Static Rote Entry in Router's Routing Table
Dynamic Routing Protocols will learn Routes Dynamically in Router's Routing Table.
Static Routing
Dynamic Routing Protocol
Use Static Route when Network is simple
Use Dynamic Routing Protocol when Network is complex
Static Route paths are selected by an Administrator
DRP are responsible for the best path selection
Requires minimum Resources (Memory,CPU, Bandwidth, etc.)
Requires sufficient Resources (Memory,CPU, Bandwidth, etc.)
Routing Protocols role is:
To learn about all the Networks.
To learn about all the paths to reach all the Networks.
To select the best path to reach all the Networks.
Routing Protocol's messages are called Updates.
Routing Updates includes:
Details of Networks on which Routing Protocol is operating
Routes that Routing Protocol has received from Neighbors.
RST Notes
Last updated