Internet Standard & Protocols

  • IEEE is a Standardization body that reviews the Draft Papers (of concept Standards/Protocols) published by the IEEE members & promotes them to an RFC number for further review by the IEEE Engineers then finally given a Standardized Number after being accepted by those Engineers.

    So an Internet Standard is the Specification of a technology or methodology applicable to the Internet.

  • Protocol means 'Set of Rules' & Internet is a Public Network. So an 'Internet Protocol' means, 'A Set of rules which are set by IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers) are to be followed by whoever is willing to use an Internet'.

  • So the Internet Standards allow the Manufacturers to make compatible Networking devices whereas the Internet Protocol allows those Networking devices to communicate with each other.

  • But due to the sheer numbers of Standards & Protocols made it difficult for the average network engineer to think about and work with networks. Hence Networking Models were used to reduce the complexity for Engineers.


CCNA 200-301 OCG, Volume 1, Pg. 11 - Wendell Odom .

Last updated